Asphalt Maintenance Guide

Performing proper asphalt maintenance will help you maintain the health and beauty of your asphalt surface. This helps you avoid expensive repairs and keep you safe. It also extends the life of your pavement.
When it comes to asphalt maintenance, a few things to keep in mind include identifying problems before they occur, and addressing them when they do occur. These types of problems may include potholes, oil spots, and cracks. While most types of asphalt damage can be avoided by a properly installed and maintained asphalt surface, there are still times when repairs may be necessary. Check out this article to learn more about asphalt.
Small cracks on an asphalt surface may indicate a deeper problem. These cracks need to be inspected to determine the cause of the problem. If you notice a crack in the asphalt, take care of it immediately. Cracks can allow water to penetrate the base course, which will weaken the pavement.
Large potholes can be a safety hazard for pedestrians and drivers. They can also be a nuisance. If you notice a large pothole in your road, it's a good idea to fix it as soon as possible. This will help prevent the formation of a larger hole that will cost you money.
Sealcoating is another form of asphalt maintenance. This process improves the appearance of an asphalt pavement by sealing cracks and providing a smooth black surface. An asphalt repair in Palm Harbor FL expert will also help to protect your pavement from water and chemicals. Sealing cracks should be performed at least once every three to six months. Sealing improves the curb appeal of your asphalt surface, which will also help to increase the value of your property.
Cracks may also be the result of stripping. This occurs when the asphalt binder and the aggregates that hold the asphalt together break down. When this happens, minor cracks start to widen. These cracks can be repaired before they become potholes. However, if a crack is large, you may need to replace the entire asphalt surface.
Aside from minor repairs, it's important to perform regular preventive maintenance on your asphalt surfaces. The best way to do this is to have a maintenance program in place. Having a maintenance program will allow you to avoid costly repairs, as well as help you detect problems early on. This will also allow you to avoid liability issues, which may arise when there is a problem with your pavement.
Another preventative asphalt maintenance measure that you can take is to perform regular striping. This will keep your pavement looking good while also streamlining traffic flow. Striping also adds safety to your asphalt surfaces, especially for pedestrian crossings. Line striping is a very useful technique for parking lots, as it will help to ensure that vehicle spacing is adequate. This procedure is also recommended for busy streets, where traffic continuously rolls. Keeping your asphalt pavement in good condition will help you to ensure that you can avoid costly repairs and keep you and your family safe. Keep reading on: and most importantly, convert your knowledge into action, otherwise it remains a source of untapped energy as well as wasted potential.